There are so many things that I love about Rome. I love the people, the scenery, the history, and especially the food. Even though I haven’t been in Rome for too long, I have seen and done things that will stay with me for a lifetime.
Every morning my roommates and I stop at a coffee shop, which they call “Bars.” Inside we met a wonderful woman named Anna who is the owner of the bar. She barely speaks any English, but we have still managed to order edible items every morning. She is helping us with some of our basic Italian, and one of my many goals for the semester is to be able to walk into her bar and speak only Italian. She is like an Italian mother figure for me, and I want her to see how much I am trying and I want her to be proud of me, as silly as that may seem.
Another experience that I loved was going to C.R.E.T.A. Rome to paint pottery. The owners, Lori-Ann Touchette and Paolo Porelli, are two of the most interesting people I have ever met. Their background stories are amazing, and if I had the time I would write a whole blog post about these two. Every person I have met so far in Rome has a story, but not just any ordinary story, so many people come to Rome to accomplish their dreams. That passion and love resonates throughout the entire city which is something I have yet to find anywhere else.
Along with the people, there is the history. No matter where you go in Rome, there is always something historical under your feet. The modern day streets of Rome are so much higher than the streets in Rome’s past, meaning that the buildings in Rome are built upon centuries of history.
But more than anything I love the tiny details that make this city so great. Everywhere you look there is something beautiful. Everything in Rome is a piece of art, and that is the aspect of Rome that I think I love the most. While the more obvious features of Rome are spectacular, the art of everyday is what makes me love to call Rome my home.

Killian Gilvary
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I am currently a junior at the Pennsylvania State University, majoring in Art History and Criminology. I am an active member in the service sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma, and I enjoy giving back to my community and school. In my free time, I enjoy photography, cooking, reading, and spending time with my friends. Traveling to Italy has always been one of my goals, and I have been lucky enough to receive the opportunity to study abroad in Rome. I look forward to seeing all of my favorite works of art in person, as well as being able to immerse myself in the Italian culture. I hope my blog will not only allow you to view my experience in Rome, but that it will also allow you to immerse yourself in the Italian culture through my photos.</span></p>