Being able to travel to Greece was a desire of mine, but as my study abroad experience was coming to an end I told myself that I wouldn’t be able to make it. It felt like as soon as I had come to terms with not being able to go, it all started to work out. One of my roommates here in Rome is Greek, and she offered to let us stay with her in her house while visiting. As soon as I heard that, I knew Greece was actually going to happen, and I could not have been happier.
When we arrived in Athens I could hardly contain my excitement. We hadn’t even left the airport and I was already getting giggly. Our first day was full of low-key exploring, delicious food, and Starbucks. Even with a semester in Italy and their magnificent coffee, I still can’t turn down Starbucks. Our next day in Athens was the big day. The day I was going to get to see the Acropolis in person. A joy about this semester that I will still never get over, is that I get to see famous artworks and monuments everyday that I’ve only ever read about in textbooks. Walking up the steep hill to the Acropolis was a tough one, especially with sandals, but it was so worth it. Not only was seeing the Acropolis a once in a lifetime experience, but the view of the city of Athens was amazing as well. The moment when the impact of the whole experience hit me was when I saw the Porch of Maidens. I have been in love with this architectural structure since my first Art History class. Seeing it in person didn’t even feel real, and the amount of tears that I shed in front of it was embarrassing.
After two wonderful days in Athens, we took a ferry boat to the island Euboea (Evvoia)! This is where some of my roommate’s family is from. It is the second largest greek island, and it is absolutely gorgeous. During our two days on this island, we relaxed by the beach and ate more delicious food. As much as I love Italian food, a Greek vegetarian gyro is probably the most delicious food item that I have ever tasted. and I ate so many of them. Plus FETA CHEESE is the best cheese and eating it with every meal never got old.
Our spur of the moment trip to Greece was the best way to relax before our two weeks of midterms, and I loved being able to spend one of my last weekends with some of my favorite people.

Killian Gilvary
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I am currently a junior at the Pennsylvania State University, majoring in Art History and Criminology. I am an active member in the service sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma, and I enjoy giving back to my community and school. In my free time, I enjoy photography, cooking, reading, and spending time with my friends. Traveling to Italy has always been one of my goals, and I have been lucky enough to receive the opportunity to study abroad in Rome. I look forward to seeing all of my favorite works of art in person, as well as being able to immerse myself in the Italian culture. I hope my blog will not only allow you to view my experience in Rome, but that it will also allow you to immerse yourself in the Italian culture through my photos.</span></p>