31 days, 8 hours, 12min, 55 seconds until I begin my adventure. Well, now its 20 seconds but you get the idea. If you couldn’t tell already I’m super excited to study abroad in the beautiful city of London. I can imagine it already, the accents, driving on the opposite side of the road and tea, lots of tea. Traveling across Europe, meeting new faces, eating amazing food, and creating memories that will last a lifetime will be amazing. As I have never been to London, I am super excited to be able to live and study there. One of the hardest things I’ve found so far is deciding what to bring and what to leave behind. Do I really need that sweater that I wore once at a Christmas party? Or what about those ugly pair of shoes my mom got me that I feel obligated to bring. WHAT DO I BRING? So with that said, I’m packing my entire closet (I wish). I decided to take the advice of past students and pack light, even though it is hard to leave those ugly pair of shoes behind. Hi mom, love you! I’ve been spending my summer going on new adventures around Central New York, which is preparing me for London. Here are some of my tips and pre-departure adventures!
Bucket List:
Since I will be in London for four months, I decided it best if I make a huge bucket list of things I want to do while I'm there. After looking up various things to do in London, I realized most of the bucket lists had the same things on them. I wanted more. I wanted to see the non-tourist things as well. Between Big Ben, Abbey Road, shopping on Oxford & Regents Streets, and finding Banksy art, I will for sure be busy! Here are some of my bucket list items I thought noteworthy to help with your list:
- Walking through the Tower Bridge
- Going on The London Eye
- Visiting the Chislehurst Caves
- Admiring London from The Sky Garden
- Recreating the Abbey Road album cover
- Seeing museums such as the Victoria & Alberts, National Maritime, and The British Museum.
- Ride rides at Brighton Pier
- Go shopping on Oxford and Regents Streets
- Find a piece of Banksy Art
- Buy groceries at Camden Market
- Meet a royal at Buckingham Palace
- Wear bright colors on Portobello Road
- Explore Ashridge Forest
- Unravel the mystery of stonehenge
- Ride on the top of a double decker bus
I'm hoping to accomplish all of those and more on my trip to London.
I've decided to pack with me the essentials in my backpack. My passport, a map, electronics, and a journal to write my experiences on the journey to London! From New York to London I have 10 hours of flight time to keep myself busy. As most would sleep on the overnight flight, I will probably be too excited for any sleep. I will check in one suitcase full of clothes as well as my backpack and a little suitcase to carry on the plane with me. I plan on doing a lot of shopping while I am there so my little suitcase is exclusively for souvineers to bring home. Even though I have been planning out what to bring for months, I am sure there will be something I forget and I will be sure to update you in future posts (just wait for it).
Since it is my first time abroad, there are so many things I cannot wait to experience and share here with you guys! I will be writing and posting my photos as there is no better way for me to explain my trip. Stay tuned as the next time I write I will be in the great city of London.
Kalista Sutton xx

Kalista Sutton
<p>Hey everyone! I'm Kali from New York. I am a junior in marketing and communications at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. You can find me at a local coffee shop or outside at a park admiring the views. This is my first overseas trip so I cannot wait to share the experience with you. You can expect posts such as typical tourist photos where I pose in front of a statue, photos of food (who doesn't love that?), and photos of me trying to get the princes attention on the way to class.</p>