Three days left….three days and I say goodbye to new friends, new experiences, and my new home.
What am I feeling you might ask? I’m torn. I’m torn between longing to go home for the holidays, but I’m longing for more time in this wonderful place. I am overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and feelings of joy. I’m going day by day preparing for what the future has to offer back home and the new possibility that I might come back to London.
It’s funny what you miss when you are gone. You miss things that you never really even had at home. I’ve been craving American foods like cheez-its and spicy foods. I’ve been craving the winter blizzards and sledding in the snow. I miss just sitting in the living room of my house doing nothing….just sitting there. I miss a lot of things. I miss my family a lot, and realize that now through the holidays.
I think about what I might miss from London. I’m going to miss the view from my room that overlooks the city. I’m going to miss being able to walk to big ben in between class and take the tube everywhere. I’m going to miss the new friends I’ve made who made this experience even better. And I’m going to miss the love that I found in London.
Even though I’m feeling sadness towards the end, I’m not sad. I’m happy. I’m happy I chose to get out of my comfort zone and experience everything I have. I think the amount of time I have been here has been just enough for me to learn who I am, and what else is out there. I can’t wait to look back on photos and think wow I really was there and I did that!
Coming from a small town where many people do not have this opportunity, or never will, I feel grateful. I would be upset at myself if I hadn’t taken this opportunity. I hope that more people do in the future. Four months sounds like a long time, but I promise you it goes fast. The things you experience here in a day are things most people won’t in a lifetime. I cannot stress enough how great it has been here.
Most people are scrambling to do last minute things in London they haven’t done before they leave. I’m not. I think I have made the most of my time here. I walked everyday instead of taking the tube, and I checked off almost everything on my bucket list and more. I think it is important to really take time to enjoy where you study abroad and look at the little things. Whether it is sitting in Trafalgar Square, getting lost on purpose in the city, or having lunch in the park, just do it!
I’m excited to be going home, but sad to leave my new home. This trip has opened up so many opportunities for me culturally as well as educationally. I’ve learned so many things while being here. Since I have been here I have been able to have Sunday roast with a Forbes 100 company director, and had multiple opportunities at my school back home open up for me. I’ve also had the experience of keeping this blog here too! Going back to Le Moyne I plan on volunteering at my global education office to help prospective students learn more about this great opportunity.
As I look back at my trips I’ve done so many things: traveling with IES Abroad to Stonehenge & Bath, Paris, Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland, Brighton, and Rome Italy. I can’t believe I am able to say that. As my time of blogging comes to a close, I want to share some of my favorite moments throughout the trip with some photos.
Until next time from the states,
Cheers xx
Kalista Sutton

Kalista Sutton
<p>Hey everyone! I'm Kali from New York. I am a junior in marketing and communications at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. You can find me at a local coffee shop or outside at a park admiring the views. This is my first overseas trip so I cannot wait to share the experience with you. You can expect posts such as typical tourist photos where I pose in front of a statue, photos of food (who doesn't love that?), and photos of me trying to get the princes attention on the way to class.</p>