As I stand there looking up at Kate Middleton I smiled to myself and realized that I live an extraordinary life.
4:30 a.m. my alarm goes off and I’m more wide-awake than ever. Today is the day; today is the day I will get to see the queen, and the royal family.
Today is Remembrance Day. It is a day to honor those who lost their lives in service, those who served, and those still serving.
I walk the 50-minute journey to The Cenotaph, where I know they will be. The sun has not risen yet, and the streets are empty and quiet. I arrive at the entrance before the road and police have begun making a queue. I am about tenth in line. I am beyond excited.
An hour and a half later the gates are finally open to stand in front of The Cenotaph memorial. It was like airport security; walking through metal detectors, and such. I felt very safe and was surprised at the kindness of the officers there. One woman was reading a book while waiting in line and an officer jokingly said he wouldn’t let us in until she read 100 pages. It showed me the relationship between the officers and the citizens…there is respect.
I didn’t want to be that girl running when I passed security, but lets just say I have never walked faster in my life.
The pathway is empty…. I get confused because I think to myself, am I really first? I think, I can’t stand this close, this is a lie.
However, I could stand there. Standing there I couldn’t help but smile. I’m twenty years old and seeing the royal family twenty feet way from me.
Two hours later the ceremony begins. Younger kids are passing out programs with prayers and sayings on them. I thought it was interesting reading that “All those in attendance are required to speak along”. I thought it was a very special moment, having everyone say such powerful words in sync.
There was royal music playing which made it feel even more surreal. As the royal family arrived and stood in their positions, two minutes of silence followed. I was amazed by the silence. It was completely silent…. No phones ringing, no whispering, and no clicking of cameras; this moment was raw and real.
As I stood twenty feet away, I saw the queen lay her wreath, then Phillip, Charles, Harry, and William. Kate stood watching from a balcony above.
It was this moment my 6 hours of waiting in the cold was for. I couldn’t help but keep smiling because it was amazing. You can read about feelings and you can imagine what that moment feels like, but it won’t ever be the same.
Most of my friends thought it was crazy to do what I did on that day, but I think it was definitely worth it. If people don’t call you crazy you are doing something wrong. It is the craziest people who accomplish outstanding things no one thinks is possible.
Waking up at 4:30 a.m., walking 50-minutes to the ceremony, and standing waiting to see the royals for 6 hours was definitely worth it. There are so many people who would love to have that opportunity and I can’t believe I had it, twenty feet in front of me.
Until next adventure, cheers xx
Kalista Sutton

Kalista Sutton
<p>Hey everyone! I'm Kali from New York. I am a junior in marketing and communications at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. You can find me at a local coffee shop or outside at a park admiring the views. This is my first overseas trip so I cannot wait to share the experience with you. You can expect posts such as typical tourist photos where I pose in front of a statue, photos of food (who doesn't love that?), and photos of me trying to get the princes attention on the way to class.</p>