I made it! I’m in the lovely city of London. I’ve been here for five days and have already fallen in love with the city. As I sat on the top of a double decker bus I had to stop and think just how grateful I truly am to experience London not just a week, but for almost four months of my life.
As I made the decision to have London be my study abroad city I had received questions like, “Isn’t that just like the U.S. but with accents?” or, “Will you truly experience a different culture?” I can confirm to you that London has a very different culture than the U.S. Since I have been in the city I have realized just how different the two countries truly are. I have begun to have the British perspective and now notice the things we Americans do that maybe we aren’t really noticing. For instance, the British speak very quiet & I notice Americans speak louder. I find myself almost whispering in some situations. Coming from New York I am accustomed to a fast-paced society while the British like to go at their own pace. I am still surprised how I have never been rushed or run into by anyone walking through the streets. I find that Londoners like to stop and smell the roses in a sense. Along with culture shock, I think I have mastered walking the streets of London. This is quite the talent itself. As I walk the streets I notice the genuine kindness of the Londoners saying “cheers” and “good day” which only makes the experience better. Having the Londoners be so kind, has made exploring the city even better.
I have had experiences of a lifetime already. I’ve taken a tour around London and that was my first true look at everything the city has to offer. I remember a part of the tour the bus took a corner and I looked up to Big Ben feet away from me. I still get chills remembering that moment. Being afraid of heights, I decided why not go on the largest Ferris wheel in the world, The London Eye. Lets just say going around once took 30min no stopping. The experience was amazing. To be able to see the entire city that would be my home for a brief time. London has countless activities and I think I will never grow bored here. I was able to walk towards the same church I watched from my TV screen skipping school five years ago where will and kate were married. Being a huge fan of the royal family I had to visit Buckingham Palace. The red road leading to the palace, the huge fountain in front, and the golden gates with soldiers inside all made me truly feel the pride of England’s’ royals. I went with friends to Piccadilly Circus on a spontaneous adventure. Coming from a small town where getting groceries requires a 40min drive, being able to take the tube and arrive in 15min was so convenient. It just so happens that the Tour of London bicycle race was that day and we happened to catch a few glimpses of the race and cheer on the participants. London is so full of activities. I’ve tried my first fish and chips in London at a pub, which was as good as you think. I went to the Hampton Court Palace in England that was built in the 1500s and lets just say textbooks do not make you feel what you feel when you walk through royal halls. I went through the oldest maze in London at the castle and got stuck for twenty minutes. I have been lost, and then lost again, but it’s a learning experience and nonetheless still fun. The saying goes in London that even the Londoners get lost in the city but you eventually make your way home.
As I begin to explore the city I cannot wait to share with you the adventures I am having with you. I will be posting every week so stay tuned for next week as I begin classes and start living in London. Here are a few photos of my first week in London that I mentioned above!
Coming back to my first post, I mentioned that I would tell you guys what I had forgotten home. Here are just a few of the many things:
1. Nail Polish Remover
2. Laundry Bag
3. Water Bottle

Kalista Sutton
<p>Hey everyone! I'm Kali from New York. I am a junior in marketing and communications at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. You can find me at a local coffee shop or outside at a park admiring the views. This is my first overseas trip so I cannot wait to share the experience with you. You can expect posts such as typical tourist photos where I pose in front of a statue, photos of food (who doesn't love that?), and photos of me trying to get the princes attention on the way to class.</p>