Rocking the Daisies

Julianna Ashe
December 27, 2013

Every October, Cloof Wine Estate, located about and hour outside of Cape Town’s city center, hosts an annual music festival called Rocking The Daisies. Mostly South African bands headline the festival, with a few international guests as well. This year, one of my favorite bands, a British group titled Alt-J headlined the festival, and put on an incredible performance. Lots of local food vendors and artists also attend the festival to sell their products, and you can find some really funky souvenirs there to take home. The wine estate even makes their own “Rocking the Daisies” wine sold on site, which was very reasonably priced and very delicious! Tons of international and South African students from UCT attended the festival, shacking up in tents for the weekend, and enjoying non-stop music and comedy acts all day and night. Not much sleep was had during this weekend, as it was incredibly noisy at all hours into the night, but it was definitely one of the most fun weekends I had during my semester abroad.

Once again, all of the photos were taking with a 35mm film camera.

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Julianna Ashe

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Jules Ashe is Senior at the University of Vermont majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Women&#39;s and Gender Studies. Her passions include traveling, cooking, music, photography, and making new connections and relationships with people all over the world. She is very excited to live beside both the Atlantic and Indian Ocean in Cape Town, and be surrounded by a range of beautiful mountains. Mostly though, she cannot wait to take many new pictures and share them with everyone back home!</span></p>

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University of Vermont
Environmental Studies
Women's Studies
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