Glimpses of Italian class field studies behind the scenes in Corsini, a local bakery; Il Pelicano, a local pottery shop; the Selva street party; the Torre dinner in the Piazza del Campo; and major flooding in the city. Rain and hilly Etruscan cities like Siena make for soaking wet shoes.

Julia Szeto
<p>I am a junior at Bates College, where I study English, Creative Writing, and Chemistry. Though I left the beautiful forests of Portland, Oregon for snowier seasons in Maine, I've discovered that there are valuable stories to be heard and told in ever corner, or coast, of the world. I am interested in people and the words they have to say, and I am thrilled to be in a city as rich with history as Siena. I hope to explore new perspectives of culture and life in Siena through words and photographs. Outside of story-telling, I am a varsity coxswain on the Bates rowing team, and I enjoy hiking, trail running, singing loudly in the car, and getting hopelessly lost in a good book.</p>