As I’m sitting here writing this blog post, I feel both excited and nervous.
I felt exactly the same two years ago, when I was packing to leave for the States. I grew up in South Korea most of my life, and so going to a college in the U.S. was a great adventure for me. I was occupied with so many worries like:
“How am I going to make friends?” / “Will people there understand my English?” / “How am I going to handle classes taught in English?”
Now I am about to start another adventure “para Salamanca,” and the similar doubts trouble me. Would I be able to make friends there? How am I going to take courses in Spanish?
Yes. I am indeed worried about many things. But! Just as I got used to the States and ended up loving the country, so will be the case in Spain. Only thing I need to make sure is to let excitement reign over anxiety!
My mom says, “You are already studying abroad in the U.S. Why are you going even more abroad?”
I couldn’t offer her one definite answer. There are so many reasons–some abstract and others concrete. I want to immerse myself in Spanish-speaking environment (so that I can read Lorca and Cervantes in Spanish). I want to test myself and see how I cope with my life in a new country (so that I can find out more about myself). I want to travel and meet people. I want to be brave and independent.
Hopefully, when I get back from Spain in the winter, my mom could find the answer to her question by seeing how changed I am.
But first!! Let’s pack

Janice Han
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Janice is a junior from Claremont McKenna College, majoring in Government and Literature. Although Janice was born in California, she grew up in South Korea for almost twenty years before she came back to SoCal for college. Janice loves chocolate ice creams, Dostoevsky, ribbons (blue and pink), Korean food, (her) diary and black dresses. She also likes to write stories, cook, bake, and bask in the sun. Janice has never been to Europe and is super excited to spend her semester in Spain.</span></p>