I don´t know when Cinderella arrived at the ball thanks to her fairy Godmother, but I´m sure it was around 9pm. She only had until midnight to dance with the prince.
This familiar story… is happening in real life.
Getting here at Salamanca around September (31st August to be exact) thanks to my fairy Off-campus study center & IES, I have fallen in love with this city and danced and danced with him–now I´m anxiously watching my clock as it will soon (very soon!) hit December.
Everyone has been super busy studying and traveling at the same time, and we all are not ready for the sad, sad farewell. I made a list of things to do here before I leave, and on the very top of the list was to explore the city with my camera. It sounds really dumb that I haven´t done this earlier.. but the truth is, although my base camp is Salamanca, I have been so engrossed in traveling elsewhere that I haven´t really looked around the city as I´m supposed to have.
This priority thing I crossed off from my list just today–and I present to you my darling Mr. Salamanca (AKA Mr. Charming)

Hopefully, my prince will look for me and I get to come back here again.
But until midnight, I will CARPE DIEM with my prince. Mucho hugs and kisses.

Janice Han
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Janice is a junior from Claremont McKenna College, majoring in Government and Literature. Although Janice was born in California, she grew up in South Korea for almost twenty years before she came back to SoCal for college. Janice loves chocolate ice creams, Dostoevsky, ribbons (blue and pink), Korean food, (her) diary and black dresses. She also likes to write stories, cook, bake, and bask in the sun. Janice has never been to Europe and is super excited to spend her semester in Spain.</span></p>