Milan Course Preregistration Update

Course pre-registration for Spring 2025 Milan programs has been rescheduled. All students will be informed of the new date soon.

Midterm Report

Heidi Zheng
February 22, 2015

Last Wednesday was the night of Halfway Hall, where second years celebrated the milestone that is the exact midpoint of their undergraduate career – middle day of the middle week of the middle term, in their middle year – with...I don’t know, a feast? We plebs had no access to it, although for me, a full-year visiting student, it marked exactly half of my time here as well. So from yours truly, here’s a midterm report.

In certain areas I’m passing with flying colors, while others remain wanting.  By now I instinctively look to the right first before crossing the road, but will then proceed to jaywalk like the pushy East Coast go-getter that I am – don’t judge until you see Farragut North during rush hour – which is just completely unnecessary. Now five weeks in, lectures have become increasingly sparsely populated, not that the foot traffic in Oxford is much to begin with. I guess I just love the feeling of knowing, finally, where exactly I am heading and what exactly I am about to do. I feel at home. I am home.

I no longer multiply every price tag with 1.6 and leave with suppressed gasps trailing behind me, yet somehow I still can’t bring myself to dress in head-to-toe black like most girls here do – Gothic chic is something I only appreciate in churches. A tip for girls short in both stature and cash like me: if you don’t mind a boxier look, dig into boy’s clothing! Zara, Marks & Spencer, Benetton (not in town but at Oxford Circus, London) ages 11-12 constitute my entire jumper collection.

Yes, jumper. Pretentious as it might be, slang insidiously seep through my lexicon. I pre-slash before entz – short for ‘Entertainments,’ the college-wide party in JCR; stayed tuned for the black-tie one in Week 6! – after which we get skin-on chips for just three quid at Hassan’s, a legendary food truck that rivals the Ashmolean as a local institution. Make sure you wax some heavy-duty jacket on, mate! Because the queue’s bloody massive.

That being said, my Americanisms still amuse my friends to no end. Some longstanding favorites include ‘sh*tshow’, ‘bae’ and ‘for realz’. Pepper your conversation with these, and you’d have at least three second-years screaming and running over to smother you in a hug. Keep my legacy real, k?


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Heidi Zheng

<p>I am a Religious Studies major and Literary Translation Certificate candidate at University of Rochester, an aspiring academic of continental philosophy and/or intellectual history, a part-time writer and a life-long reader, a connoisseur of all things dairy, a glutton for podcasts, a procrastinator of uploading photos to Facebook, and, for this school year, a visiting student at St. Catz, Oxford.</p>

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University of Rochester
Religious Studies
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