July 9th, 2018
The adventures that keep coming..
Thus far throughout my summer program, I have seen so many things, been to several places, and made the best memories. The list goes on about what I will be able to take from this experience as for my future, but one of the craziest adventures that I have encountered was being alone.
Sure, I have been by myself many of times, but my time in Rome takes on a new meaning. Due to my internship enabling me to work remotely and at my own pace, I have had the privilege to doing everything on my own. Whether it is taking the metro, going to grab lunch, or going to an art exhibition, I have been on my own schedule and spend so much time by myself. At first, it was very difficult to see my roommates go to work and hear their stories about things that happened at work with their coworkers, because I initially wished that I had a working environment similar to theirs. But as time has went on, I learned that this is the best case scenario for me to work efficiently, plan accordingly and to even learn more about myself as a whole.
One of my first days on my own, I went sightseeing around Rome and took pictures that I could use for my internship’s social media account. Though this was in the beginning of my time in Rome, it was such a learning experience because I was able to successfully navigate myself through the streets of Rome alone.
Before I left for Italy, I thought that I was more independent than not, but after being here and being put in working and traveling situations; I feel 100% more independent! It is crazy to think about the things that I have been exposed to here in Rome that I’m not used, but I love to think of that like a stepping stone. I often think of myself as an insecure and timid person, but the things that I have done in Rome have enabled me to branch out so much easier and because of that, I have learned so much about myself. It is also crazy to think that I had to travel thousands of miles away to figure things out about myself, but I am not complaining one bit! Sometimes it just takes getting out of your comfort zone to realize certain things in your life, and I really do believe that this entire experience has matured me so much more as a person and I am nothing but grateful for that (and I’m sure my parents will be too).
I also learned a great amount about my work ethic and my own capabilities. Not having a work schedule enabled me to put my work off during the first few weeks, but after a little while I learned that I need to work hard in a timely manner, and just because there isn’t a set due date for my work, does not mean I can hold off until last minute. As for my own capabilities, I learned that I really enjoy taking and editing pictures. Although I do love to write and be active on social media, taking pictures is so much more to me now that I have been doing it for my internship. And the sight of seeing one of my pictures on the cover of my internship’s magazine cover was surreal, and it showed me that being published is VERY cool and that I need to strive more for that more often than just coasting through work day-to-day.
The adventures of acting as a journalist in Rome is thrilling, to say the least. I have been to an art exhibit, visited an outdoor festival along the Tiber River, etc. The whole experience has given me a glimpse of what a future in journalism is like, which is both terrifying and exciting.
All in all, the things that I have encountered in Rome have been beneficial to the personal and working aspects of my life, which might not have been attainable unless I was abroad. As a person, you might think you know who you are, but sometimes things sneak up on you and can teach you an abundance of things unexpectedly. Be open-minded. Say yes. Be comfortable. Find yourself. Going abroad is an experience; so make sure you make the most of it before it’s too late!

Hannah Webster
<p>I am a 20 year old pursuing a career in Journalism at the University of Iowa. Thrives off quoting The Office, making people laugh, and lover of puns and pizza (obviously).</p>