July 19th, 2018
"I really have no intention on ever going to Italy..."
Last year these words came out of my mouth when discussing where I wanted to go abroad. Though at the time I insulted my older sister who studied here in Rome a few years back, I have to admit, I will never be so wrong in my life. Oh boy, I cannot believe how close-minded and wrong I was.
Fast forward to now. Here I am sitting in my apartment a block away from the Vatican, on my last night in Rome. It's so sad because rereading that sentence made me want to tear up already. My roommate/best friend Sam has already cried multiple times over the last 24 hours thinking about leaving Rome, but I won't. I can't...not yet at least.
I cannot believe eight weeks FLEW by this fast. Two whole months have gone by in the blink of an eye, but I cannot be be more fortunate for such a life-changing experience. I've been pushed to my limits here in Rome in ways that I have never before, it's going to be so strange going back home to my usual antics. I knew that writing this blog post was going to be very bittersweet and difficult to write. For a person who likes to write a great amount about things, I find myself not knowing what words to put together and how to describe the time that I have had here in Rome.
As for the thing that I will the most: THE PEOPLE!
The people that I have met here in my program are people that I will cherish some of my life's fondest memories with, how insane is that?! Luckily, there were a handful of people from the University of Iowa (my home college) which was very comforting having a familiar commonground, though I only personally knew one of them. Wow, I'm going to miss my roommates so much! I never thought I'd say that about two random people that I only lived a short period of time with. But my roomies and I have formed such a unique and funny bond with one another that no one will understand, nor recreate. The friends that I have created in this program will be people I can keep in contact with for the rest of my life, and even meet up with when the time comes and we really need an IES Abroad Rome reunion.
The thing that I won't miss: not having air conditioning :/
We had our highs and lows of not having air conditioning in this scorching Italian heat, but we still managed. Looking back on it, I could do another two months without AC if it meant staying in Rome longer!!! I can't believe you are making me leave!!
Although my time here in Rome is coming to an end very very shortly, I wish I could stay forever and just ship my family here to live with me. Italy, it is NOT a goodbye, it is most definitely, a SEE YOU LATER.... because I have to come back right?
Va Bene!

Hannah Webster
<p>I am a 20 year old pursuing a career in Journalism at the University of Iowa. Thrives off quoting The Office, making people laugh, and lover of puns and pizza (obviously).</p>