The day that everyone studying abroad in Ireland has been waiting for was finally here: Saint Patrick’s Day. This was probably one of the most surreal days of my life, just because I couldn’t believe I was here on March 17th, but also because my teacher considered us locals who happen to be studying here during all the chaos surrounding the holiday.
We also got really lucky with the most beautiful weather I’ve experienced since being here, which was amazing considering the fact that we would be outside for most of the day. I don’t mind rain, but the sunny day truly made a positive impact on my experience.
I woke up early so my friends and I could enjoy some time on our rooftop terrace before all the craziness that was going to ensue throughout the next few hours. It was a great way to just hang out for a little before going to the parade. We arrived a little too late (though way before it actually was starting), so I was about three rows back, and therefore could not see much, unless it was a really big float of some sort. I really enjoyed seeing some of the stuff, but I also just enjoyed the environment, because I was expecting it to be a lot busier than it actually was. It was, of course, overwhelming at times, but it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
One of the biggest reasons why many Irish people feel indifferent towards, or even dislike, Saint Paddy’s Day is because of all the tourists that are coming into the country, more specifically Dublin, and making it practically impossible to get anywhere. This weekend had the most Americans I’ve seen/heard since I’ve left the United States, which was definitely weird, but also felt familiar. Since I’ve only been here for a little over two months, they did not really bother me, but if I’ve been living here my whole life, I could certainly see why it can be a bit of an annoying holiday to Dubliners.
We got some pizza at a famous place called Bambino right by Grafton Street, which of course had a long line. I was expecting it to be decent, but it was actually really good and worth the wait in my opinion. I also made some of my friends try the Rolling Donut, a small shop on O’Connell Street with mini donuts; everyone loved it, and I’m sure that was not my last time there.
It was a fun-filled (and exhausting) day, something I’m sure to never forget. I still have not wrapped my head around being here on Saint Paddy’s Day, let alone living here, even though I leave in about 5 weeks. While I feel grateful and lucky to be in Dublin every day, this day was extra special for me, and it was great to spend it with my friends I met back in January, sharing these memories for a really long time.

Emily Facciolo
Hi! My name is Emily and I am currently a sophomore business major at the University of Pittsburgh, but I am from Delaware County, PA. Before going to Dublin, I have been to six other countries. My biggest passions are reading and traveling.