As I’m writing this, I’ve been back in Pennsylvania for about five days. I’ve been eating some of my favorite American foods and just relaxing for hours at a time, because that was something I never really did in Dublin. It’s been nice, but also pretty boring because I’ve been accustomed to being out all day with many plans at a time. However, it’s been great spending time with my puppies, which is one of the things I’ve missed the most.
The process of going home was fairly straightforward. I had to get out of the apartment on the morning of the 27th and then make my way to the airport with some very heavy suitcases. The Dublin Airport had some very long lines to get through in terms of checking suitcases and going through security. However, one great aspect of that airport is that it has U.S. Customs and Immigration there, rather than needing to do it when you get off the plane in the United States. After going through all these things, I finally got to relax a little before boarding. I somehow got main cabin extra, so it was nice having lots of room, along with being in an aisle seat. I got to enjoy my flight with movies and some complementary food and drinks, which was a nice change from flying Ryanair.
7 hours later, I was finally home. My first stop being back in Southeastern PA was Wawa of course. The next day I got to enjoy time at Target wearing just a t-shirt and shorts, something I have not been able to do all semester because it’s not really socially acceptable in Europe to do that, but it’s also just been too cold in Dublin to even have the choice.
There were some things I was definitely excited to get back to in the United States, but there are certainly other things that I am already starting to miss in Dublin. I loved the community that all Dubliners seem to be a part of and how welcoming they were of others. I also miss how easy it was to go explore other parts of the city or outside of the city; I loved seeing new places so frequently, and it is something I would like to continue doing back home and when I go back to school.
One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced since being back so far has been trying to think of things to do that are either very cheap or, more preferably, free. Since I do not start my internship until June, I have nothing specific planned for May, but also not much money either, since this past semester has been the most expensive few months of my life. May will certainly be filled with lounging around, going on walks, and window shopping.
I am happy to be back, but I already miss Ireland very much. It has been an amazing semester and one that I will never forget. I cannot wait to go back and visit one day, as well as explore many other countries that this world has to offer.

Emily Facciolo
Hi! My name is Emily and I am currently a sophomore business major at the University of Pittsburgh, but I am from Delaware County, PA. Before going to Dublin, I have been to six other countries. My biggest passions are reading and traveling.