It’s About That Time!

Disa Robb
January 2, 2014

This past semester has taught me so much. It’s surreal that I’m going to be heading back to the United States and these past four months will only be memories. Many I will never forget.


My Hajar. Hajar was the student coordinator for IES Abroad Rabat. From the first day we met, at the airport where the buses came to pick us up, it was love at first sight. I saw her holding the IES sign and I immediately took a picture of her. Through the semester she was always friendly, a positive attitude and has become a great friend. She brings up the airport event every chance she gets. She made me feel at home with her different events throughout the semester and being there when I needed someone the most. 

The Medina!


The official live scene of Morocco is where many of us resided and shopped daily. The medina streets were always filled with people and different smells. Each time we walked home from the center many of us would stop and get the doughnuts. Make sure you take the time out to explore the medina. You will definitely find some cool gifts and souvenirs in it. And try the snails!




My host-family.

The best family anyone could have ever asked for. Each meal was perfect and every night was filled with laughter! Before I came on the trip my Arabic was minimal. Our conversations were very basic yet my host-mom made it her duty to help me with my Arabic. She taught me all of her favorite dishes and walked through the medina streets to get to know me. They really made me feel at home and they will be the biggest thing I’m going to miss overall.

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Disa Robb

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I am a junior at Howard University, located in Washington, D.C., majoring in Journalism with a minor in Business Administration. Post-graduation I plan to attend the University of Miami and pursue a career in International Administration. I enjoy photography, writing, music and art. Traveling to Morocco, I hope to find a different perspective for my work and bring a little piece of the country back with me. I look forward to exploring different volunteer and activist opportunities. I hope you enjoy my posts about my experience!</span></p>

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