Why I Chose IES Abroad Milan

Daniel Sears Headshot
Daniel Stewart
August 15, 2024

Milan, Italy. A city with a rich cultural heritage yet uniquely cosmopolitan in its abundant opportunities for growth.  A place that effortlessly blends tradition with modernity in all avenues of life. From the legendary La Scala opera house to a cutting-edge contemporary music scene full of subcultural deviance in its many expressions and forms: Milan's vibrant and unique music culture was certainly a major draw to me as a classical pianist, choir kid, & punk rock musician.

But was it the right place for me? 

Driven by my desire to enhance my musical abilities and experience a world beyond my own Philly suburb upbringing (and rural Iowa college life), deciding to study music abroad was a transformative decision, but also one that was difficult.  So…in light of those challenges, I’ve decided to write a note to the future me–something that surely has never been done before–who in less than two weeks from now will be on an entirely different continent.

“As you plan for your departure, the thought of adapting to a new culture, grappling with language barriers, and being far from family and friends is daunting. You may be asking yourself: ‘What if I don’t like my teachers? What if I don’t like Milan? What if this is all too intimidating?” However, these difficulties, challenging as they may seem, are all part of the process. They teach resilience, problem-solving, and adaptability, invaluable skills for life. The independence that comes with studying abroad can be liberating but, of course, comes with challenges. 

Embrace them.

All of those challenges: adapting to a new culture, language barriers, and being far from home, provide unique yet ideal circumstances to grow in your chosen path more than you ever thought was possible up until this point. So, as you step into this new chapter, remember that every obstacle is not just a challenge, but an opportunity to "become the person you’re meant to be.”

To any future study abroad students just starting to consider their study abroad options, I would emphasize this: choose a program and a location that resonates with your passions and goals. One of the reasons I chose to do a dedicated music program as a political science & policy studies student was because I wanted to. Also, in addition to advancing in my major coursework and pursuing an internship in my field, be fully immersed in the Italian culture and approach to music pedagogy. With so many study abroad options out there it was a big challenge to make a choice, but by carefully considering my passions, goals, and diverse academic interests in music & the social sciences, I was able to narrow it down to IES Abroad Milan.

Studying abroad is more than just an academic endeavor; it’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.  For me, the IES Abroad Milan Music program offered the ideal blend of cultural immersion and personal development and I know it will be one of the most rewarding choices I have made in my college journey. Stay tuned for more musings as I explore the many corners of the magnificent and vibrant city of Milano. Until then, arrivederci e buona fortuna!


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Daniel Sears Headshot

Daniel Stewart

I study political science at Grinnell College (particularly love con law + pol. economy), a small liberal arts college in Iowa. Also, I'm a classically trained pianist, bassist, choir kid, guitarist, songwriter, and the lead singer of a punk band. 

2024 Fall
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