Like every capital city in the world, Buenos Aires is home to many amazing museums, but unlike other big cities, Argentina has a special history that makes the museums here phenomenal. This week was a big field trip week for IES students, which we love.
First, for my history class, our professor decided to take us to the Evita Museum. Eva Perón, or Evita, was obviously a very important figure in the history of Argentina and its clear to see that she still is today. Being a big supporter of women rights, Evitas museum was transformed from a house for battered women under the foundation that she created- and it was beautiful. In the museum we saw many interesting films, pictures and documents about the entire life of Eva Perón or Duarte, which tells you much more than the Evita movie starring Madonna. The films and documents were so incredible that it almost felt like we were at the foot of the Casa Rosada during Evitas most iconic and final speech- it was quite the experience.
The next field trip was to the Teatro Colon, the Buenos Aires theater. Beside the fast that it is absolutely gorgeous, the inside looks like a scene from the Phantom of the Opera. With gigantic chandeliers and red carpets lining the marble floors, you feel so regal walking through the halls of the theater. The bast part of the whole trip was when we listened to the orchestra playing from the 3rd floor balcony where the acoustics are the best. I wish I could use words to describe it, but as I have been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to think of words that do it justice, you will just have to believe me when I say, it was incredible.
The final trip that I took wasn't an field trip, but enough of us IES students went that it almost could have been! The International Book Fair is one of the biggest book fairs in the world, and it comes to Buenos Aires every year. With books as far as you can see, famous authors giving speeches about their books and Argentines everywhere, this was the perfect cultural experience for non natives. Not only did we learn about Latin American books, but we also expanded our book vocabulary, learning every day- am I right?

Callan Swaim
<p>Hola! My name is Callan Swaim and I am a junior currently studying Business and Spanish. In the United States you can find me either frolicking in the cornfields of Indiana or perhaps strutting to class at Wittenberg University in Ohio, but in Argentina I will experiencing a whole new world. Stay tuned and I will take you on my adventures exploring though the life, streets, and culture of the magical city of Buenos Aires. </p>