Believe it or not, I am currently writing my last IES student blog. As I sit one of my favorite cafes in my barrio, I am wondering what am going to write about and how I can possibly wrap up an entire 4 months in a foreign country into one blog. For starters, our IES program ended last week, and almost all of the students are already back in their normal habitats in the United States. (I know this, because I am getting snapchats)
Its strange seeing the people who arrived as strangers that you then survived in a foreign country with for 4 months leave as your best friends and return to the life they had before you even knew them. I know it sounds super cliche when people say "You will meet some of the best friends of your life here" just like on the first day of freshman orientation at college, but really its true.
As for me and the rest of the students who are taking classes at a local university, our story continues in BA a bit longer. For me, I am here until the end of July, but some are leaving as late as the middle of August! So while the others are learning to look at their lives US though a different lens, we are learning to look at Buenos Aires though a different lens, without the people we were so accustomed to seeing everyday. Luckily, most of us staying here are traveling to squeeze the last drop out of being in South America. In my case, two friends and I are taking a little break from Buenos Aires as well and are flying to the historic and tropical country of Peru to check out this place called Machu Picchu (and maybe mingle with some more llamas). We are counting down the days!
Moving on, the photos that I have selected for this blog are sort of a compilation of my 4 months here. These are pictures from all of the places that I have traveled or maybe just pictures that I really liked. If you were a faithful follower and have read ALL of my blogs, you will probably be able to recall where all of these places are without reading the captions. But, if you can't I wont judge you.
So instead of continuing to write about sappy nostalgic feelings, I have decided to keep it short and sweet and end with saying that this was one of the greatest experiences that I have had the opportunity to live. To any future study abroad students or students are debating study abroad, I hope that you all realize that studying abroad teaches you things that you cant learn in a classroom, it teaches you about life. If you have the opportunity to study abroad, take it without hesitation. To my parents, I cant thank you enough for letting me fly to a completely different hemisphere and learn about culture, language and most importantly myself- you are the real MVPs.
Finally, thank you all for accompanying me though my study abroad experience in Buenos Aires, its been an adventure to say the least!
Until next time,
Chau Che!

Callan Swaim
<p>Hola! My name is Callan Swaim and I am a junior currently studying Business and Spanish. In the United States you can find me either frolicking in the cornfields of Indiana or perhaps strutting to class at Wittenberg University in Ohio, but in Argentina I will experiencing a whole new world. Stay tuned and I will take you on my adventures exploring though the life, streets, and culture of the magical city of Buenos Aires. </p>