BKNY ---> Salamanca

Mali Axinn
May 23, 2018

Now that final exams are in, my dorm room empty, and first year of college complete, it’s time for Salamanca!!

Even though I just arrived back in Brooklyn and am appreciating the housekeeping and meal services of my family, I’m ready for summer to begin. I mean who can complain about four weeks abroad? I’ve virtually strolled through the university campus and plazas, imaging myself walking there in just a week. I’ve mapped out health food restaurants, yoga studios, running loops, and the local gym, preparing to transfer my daily habits from New York City to Salamanca. Or maybe Salamanca will teach me new habits. Looking forward to that afternoon siesta.

My biggest worry is my homestay. In 10th grade, I spent four nights with a homestay family in Cusco, Peru. The father was a local tour guide and the family spoke to me in perfect English. I was content. Salamanca is likely to be a different story. Questions flood in: Will I be able to have a conversation with my homestay family? Will they have oatmeal for breakfast? Will they like me? I’m hoping that my years of middle school, high school, and even a year of college Spanish will get me through our first dinner.

Despite my worries, I’m still super excited for my Salamanca summer!

Continue to read my blog and you will learn about …

  1. Spanish! So as one might expect, one of my main goals for the summer is to learn Spanish for real.  I’m hoping Salamanca will do the trick.
  2. Food! Until my sophomore year of high school, I only ate a combination of bread and cheese. I believe this is why I am 100x more excited by food than the average person. I think, sleep, and dream about food. I love to cook, bake, and grocery shop and am beyond excited to taste the foods of Spain.
  3. Running! It’s my life. I run in college, I run at home, and I will run all over Salamanca. Anyone want to join me? Stay tuned for the running routes of Salamanca.

Mali Axinn

<p>I was born and raised in Park Slope, Brooklyn. I'm a big foodie and love eating matcha ice cream in Chinatown, bulgogi on 35th street, and every type of raw and cooked vegetable at all the fast casual places around the City (I'm obsessed with Dig-In). I have a food instagram site called hot.foods.ugh which I call a "food journal of a reformed picky eater". I should also mention that I'm a huge runner. This activity couples nicely with my love of food. Whenever I travel, I love to explore different runs. Like my love of exploring different food, running gives me a whole other way to experience life.</p>

2018 Summer 1, 2018 Summer 2
Home University:
Haverford College
Brooklyn, NY
Biological Sciences
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