Launched in March 2019, the IES Abroad Alumni Global Speaker Series brings together alumni, students, and guests in select cities for networking and conversation on global topics. Join us at an upcoming event to stay connected with your network of over 140,000 global leaders.
Last time in NYC: Building Your Personal Brand...
New York City area alumni, students, board members, and friends of IES Abroad joined us at Scholastic on July 18th for our Global Speaker Series event on Building Your Personal Brand.
Attendees heard from a panel of brilliant alumni speakers and enjoyed a rooftop networking reception following the event.

Washington D.C.: How Study Abroad Impacts Your Career
In March, IES Abroad hosted its first-ever Global Speaker Series alumni event in Washington D.C. Over fifty alumni, friends of IES Abroad, and prospective students came to network and hear about how study abroad influenced the international careers of our featured speakers.