SO/ES 369 - Global Pillars - Environmental Management & Wisdom: Designing the Sustainable Territory

Salamanca is an aging and depopulated province where there is still traditional knowledge about sustainable management of natural resources and environmentally friendly production practices. This wisdom is being lost, although some people are using this knowledge learned from parents to children to renew it and to face the current and coming environmental challenges. Learning from the preservation of this knowledge is, therefore, a privilege that we should take advantage of while we still can. Throughout this course, we will work on key concepts of environmental sustainability, such as circular economy, promotion of renewable energies, environmental education, as well as the bases of environmental policies and environmental management. This course is framed within the IES Abroad Global Pillars which seek to bring the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) closer to IES Abroad Salamanca students.

Course Information


Environmental Studies

Term(s) Offered:




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