PG/CM 316 - Photojournalism

Photojournalism in Barcelona is an experiential learning-based course with the aim of integrating the IES Study Abroad student into the cultural, social and political life of Barcelona in particular, and Spain and Catalunya in general, through the theoretical study and guided practice of understanding the discipline of the profession of photojournalism.

The news media industry is undergoing profound revolutions in methods of reporting and delivery, through the technological advances in communications since the digital revolution. The impact of these profound changes in methods of capture, and presentation have radically changed the commodity and value of what we call news, and greatly influenced the new generations of readers and consumers of news through traditionally branded print outlets, and through emerging and brand-established online sources and social media. The impact of immediate visual communication through photography and its immediate publication, combined with the temporal importance and evolving shift in the meaning of text-based information, gives rise to new challenges for both newsmakers, news reporters and news consumers alike.

The course will aim to give students a new understanding of news information by comparing historical and contemporary news delivery approaches, and by the practical experience of making news reports using images and text, at four levels of interaction (A Vox Populi Report, a News Report, a Features Story and a Photo Essay) based on the stories and issues that affect and inspire them during their time in Barcelona. Students will gain a profound understanding of the historical origins of the contemporary themes and issues surrounding life, culture, and communications both globally and in Spain in general, and the mechanisms of how they impact and are presented and interpreted through the media.

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