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IT 102 - Italian Language in Context: Novice Abroad II

IT 102 reviews and expands the very basic structures of the language. This course is focused for the main part on speaking and listening skills, and its pace is quick and lively. It is based on a communicative and direct approach to the language, which makes it challenging and highly participatory.

In general, Italian will be the only language used in class. Many of you will find this difficult at first, but it will seem natural soon enough. Do not despair when you feel that some of your questions are not answered during class: the answer to complex grammar questions are available in your native language in the textbooks at the IES library, and may always be asked the instructor outside of class during her office hours. In class, concentrate on learning Italian in Italian. Your learning process will be faster.

Course Information



Term(s) Offered:




Language of instruction:


Contact Hours:




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