IR/PO 355 - Shifting Paradigms from 'Domestic' to 'European' Politics: Germany in the EU

Offers both an introduction to German domestic politics and a study of the growing interdependence between German and European policy making. This course examines and analyzes current hot topics in German politics and the corresponding European politics and provides an overview of Germany’s party structure and political system while maintaining a continual focus on three core aspects of politics: economic, social and environmental policies. German domestic politics in these three areas and the different degrees of interaction and interdependence between German and European policies - revealing a growing tendency to transform “domestic” politics into integrated, supranational “European” politics - will be examined in depth

Course Information


International Relations
Political Science

Term(s) Offered:




Language of instruction:


Contact Hours:



Advanced German Language Standing (GR 351 or above) and prior course work in Political Science

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