IR/EC 330 - The Economics and Business of Climate Change

This course examines the evidence of the economic impacts of climate change and explores the economics of stabilizing greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. This course considers the complex policy challenges involved in managing the transition to a low carbon economy and ensuring that societies can adapt to the consequences of climate change. The course takes an international perspective, as climate change is global in its causes and consequences, and international collective action will be critical in driving an effective, efficient, and equitable responses on the scale required. A special attention would be paid to the Paris Agreement and the continued international cooperation in climate change mitigation and adaptation. This course examines the challenges and openings for business, including sustainable development and climate change; climate change mitigation and energy efficiency; business aspects of renewable energy; carbon finance and carbon market development; the greening of business; climate change and adaptation; and sustainability and innovation.

Course Information


International Relations

Term(s) Offered:




Language of instruction:


Contact Hours:



Introductory micro/macroeconomics. Alternatively, previous business, international relations, environmental studies.

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