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IM/IB/MG 302 - Managing Behavior in Organizations

The course focuses on the essential concepts and practices of organizational behavior examining the challenges of managing human behavior in different workplace settings. Students are enhanced in their understanding of organizations as systems and are sustained in their critical thinking development about key contemporary organizational issues such as change, leadership, work-related stress and the dynamics of conflicts, diversity, post-pandemic consequences. The course facilitates an “hands-on” student experience through real cases scenarios, class debates, and simulations related to North American and European private companies and public sector services. For this reason, students are involved into an immersive learning experience; more specifically, each week is structured into two parts: session 1 – named Theory highlights – provides an overview of theoretical concepts; session 2 – named Lab – involves different interactive class activities to apply previously covered theoretical concepts.

Course Information


Industrial Management
International Business

Term(s) Offered:




Language of instruction:


Contact Hours:




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