IB 360 - Entrepreneurship & Start-Ups: A European Perspective
While there are many definitions of the terms “entrepreneurship” and “entrepreneur,” most will agree that entrepreneurship is more than just “starting your own business.” It is a practice and discipline rather than a science or an art and it is believed to be the driving force of most economies and societies. New entrepreneurial ventures are seen as sources of job creation and economic growth as well as personal satisfaction. In this course, we will analyze the meaning of entrepreneurship, its linkage to innovation, and what it means to be an entrepreneur, and we will explore ways to become one. We will learn that entrepreneurship means change, that changes lead to opportunities, and that group work and networking is essential. We will approach entrepreneurship as a process that can be applied in virtually any organizational setting. The emphasis of the course will be on the creation of new ventures, studying the different factors that can determine their success. The course prepares students to search for ideas and opportunities and transform them into viable businesses.