Top 10 Study Abroad Instagram Photos from May 2016

Kiah Zellner-Smith
May 31, 2016

We love to share our favorite study abroad photos tagged with @IESabroad on Instagram. This month’s batch brings us to the glimmering Shirotori garden in Japan, introduces us to IES Abroad Granada’s spring soccer team, and offers some stunning views of Italy, Ireland, and Spain. Check them out, then be sure to tag us in your own study abroad ‘Insta’ adventures.

  1. Argentina | Fall days call for crepes, cider, and snoozes. #iesabroad | @kerryawheeler

  2. Australia | Can't get enough of #vividsydney The Cathedral of Light in the Botanic Gardens is probably my favorite instillation #sydneyinfourmonths #IESabroad #priime #igrsydney #igsydeny #vividlive | @claireiemar

  3. Austria | Too many goodbyes | @psitskayla

  4. Ireland | #killarneynationalpark #killarney #ireland #studyabroad #pugetsoundabroad #iesabroad | @efrances22

  5. Italy | #Bonus: Today's post will be my last. I will not delete the account as I plan on going back to it and reminiscing every now and then. I've already found that this collection of photos is better than any souvenir I could have brought home. 8 countries. Scores of cities. Immeasurable friendships. Countless memories. Studying abroad lived up to my expectations and then some. Having traveled all around Europe, there isn't another city I would choose to study in other than Rome. I can truly say I now have two homes that are 4,300 miles apart. To everyone who made my experience unforgettable, thank you. To everyone who followed my journey, supported me, and sent me messages, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been a pleasure posting daily, and I hope you enjoyed my photos. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. On that note, grazie MILE Roma, ti amo e arrivederci! | @110daysofstudyingabroad

  6. Japan | Shirotori garden Nagoya, Japan. December 2015 #shirotori #shirotorikoen #shirotorigarden #nagoya #aichi #aichiken #japan #nagoyaliving #japanliving #ies #iesabroad #studyabroad #sunset #twilight #reflection #trees #lights #installation #illumination #winterillumination #night_vision | @ichi.ha

  7. Japan | こんな交流ができる授業がほしいなぁ〜〜 #iesabroad #EPALボランティア #一年ぶり #自分たちのホーム #なのに #留学生に案内される #今年も俺とたつきはお客さん - | @illoomin8photo

  8. Rome | Favorite car in my favorite city! #Rome #ROMA #Italia #Italy #cars #fiat @fiatitaliana #eternalcity #sunnydays #studyabroad #tour #travel #travelitaly #studyrome #travelrome #liverome #abroad #vosco #ricksteves #iesabroad #ies #romeitaly #carsinrome #love #beauty #trevi #coliseum #romanforum #tripadvisor #pizza #EU - | @six_months_in_roma

  9. Spain | Our Spring soccer team I #StudyAbroad #IESabroad #Granada #soccer #fútbol | @iesabroadgranada

  10. Spain | Lookin' up. | @tarxander


We want to see study abroad through your eyes! Hashtag your Instagram photos with #IESabroad to show us what study abroad looks like to you. And for more student-curated content, check out our blogs, where you’ll find advice, travel tips, and first-hand accounts of what's happening at our Centers around the world.


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Kiah Zellner-Smith

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