Thank You to IES Abroad’s 2015 Annual Conference Sponsors

Ashley Houston
October 12, 2015

This week we look forward to welcoming more than 150 international educators, sponsors, and guests to our 2015 Annual Conference in Chicago.

As we prepare for all of the week’s festivities, we want to express our appreciation to the sponsors of this year’s Annual Conference. A special thanks to our Platinum Sponsor, Student Universe, one of the leading travel booking sites, offering students discounts and special rates on flights, hotels, and tours.

We’d also like to thank our Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels sponsors for their generosity. The contributions from our sponsors allow us to maintain free registration and meals for our Conference attendees. During the two-day Conference, attendees will enjoy two plenary sessions, including Thursday's plenary speaker Jack Uldrich, future globalist, author, and IES Abroad alumnus. His session is titled: The Future of Education Demands Unlearning. Friday's plenary session will include a screening of our 2015 Study Abroad Film Festival winner, It’s Okay, by Kyle Rodriguez of Occidental College. The Conference will also include 20 breakout sessions, our annual Business Meeting, a Centers Expo, and an Awards Dinner at the Chicago History Museum.

In addition, one of our Gold Level Conference sponsors, STA Travel, is going to raffle off two airline tickets in a drawing held at the end of the Centers Expo on Thursday. 

Thank you sponsors for your support of our mission and this Conference!

Platinum Sponsor:


Gold Sponsors:


Silver Sponsors:


Bronze Sponsors:



*Save the Date for the 2016 IES Abroad Annual Conference, October 5-7, 2016.


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Ashley Houston

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