Study Abroad Film Festival: The Final Countdown

Jill Kruidenier
July 18, 2014

Filmmakers, producers, directors, and cinematographers—aspiring or professional—we know you’re out there!

If you studied on an IES Abroad program (since January 2011) and created a film (25 minutes or less), don’t miss your chance to enter our Study Abroad Film Festival. The deadline is Friday, August 1, and the winner will receive $1,000!

Here are some ideas to get you thinking about your film, but don’t feel limited; we want you to create something distinctively you!

  • Profile of a person or people who redefined the way you think
  • Exploration of a specific topic or event that inspired you during your time abroad
  • Portrayal of social issues in your host city
  • Portrayal of any aspect of the culture in your host city
  • Dispelling of misconceptions others might have about the location
  • Documentation of your personal growth
  • Fresh take on a popular film in the host country
  • Anything that captures the spirit of study abroad

What are you waiting for? Submit your film today.

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Jill Kruidenier

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