Standing Together in the Path to Progress

IES Abroad

The past two weeks have been a tragic time in U.S. history. We are hurting as a people. But as we mourn the death of George Floyd and those before him, we must remember there is no progress in silence; there is no justice that comes from retreat and stillness.

As an organization that has celebrated diversity since its humble beginnings, and even more intentionally over the last two decades, IES Abroad’s entire mission fosters a long-term antidote to systemic racism: creating global leaders who are diverse and inclusive through study abroad, who open their (and others') minds and question established beliefs.

Now is the time for us all to further educate ourselves, to challenge our assumptions, to call our leaders, to support our communities, to learn, listen, and act.

There is a lane for everyone in the path to progress.
Black lives matter.

Resources IES Abroad Staff Have Found Helpful

Elevating Black Students' Voices on Racism

Differentiating Global Attitudes Towards Difference

Shane Young (IES Abroad Barcelona Student Blog)


From the Segregated South to Feeling Free in Vienna

Maxine Hayes (65 Years | 65 Faces of IES Abroad)

Bite-Sized Spoken Word

Sabrina Hunte (IES Abroad Freiburg Student Blog)

Learn, listen, speak up, and connect with your community. As for the long haul? Continue to have the uncomfortable conversations. Continue to question your assumptions.

We will stand with you along the way.

What We’re Doing at IES Abroad

Today—more than ever—IES Abroad is challenging ourselves to do what our students do every day.

Questioning what we have learned.
Having the uncomfortable conversations.
Opening our minds; opening our hearts.
Developing into more compassionate, empathetic, critical thinkers than we were yesterday.
Being the global leaders we seek to educate.

IES Abroad will also continue to reflect on what this means for us, and how to further educate, train, and support staff members in our ongoing diversity and inclusion efforts.

As our President & CEO, Dr. Mary M. Dwyer, said in a statement shared with our entire organization this week, “I know that what is happening around our country and the world right now is not about study abroad. It is about how we react, support, treat, and listen to each other, no matter what our backgrounds or where we came from. These are the basic tenets that all of us must demonstrate with action.”

Just as your progress and commitment doesn’t stop when you finish reading that book or listening to that podcast, neither will ours.

IES Abroad's committment to diversity and support of and for students from diverse backgrounds doesn't begin or end when times are difficult. Explore our extensive section of student resources, in addition to those listed above, and read this essay written by our AVP of Diversity & Recruiting, Gretchen Cook-Anderson, which was featured in Forum News.

Diversity Resources

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