Price Drop, Extended Deadline & New Partner University: Exciting Updates from Rio de Janeiro

Ashley Houston
October 2, 2015

Sarah Burrichter, our Program Advisor for Rio de Janiero, just returned from a visit to Rio and couldn't wait to share some exciting program updates!

  • New Lower Program Cost
    As a result of the strong U.S. dollar, we’ve been able to lower the Brazil Today Program cost 9.4%, to $17,100, starting Spring 2016. We also offer financial aid and scholarships (such as need-based aid, merit-based aid, and diversity scholarships) to lower that price even more.
  • Deadline Extended
    Students now have until November 2nd to apply
  • New Partner University: Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) 
    Students can now enroll in English-taught courses at both the Center for Justice and Society (School of Law) and the Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (School of Economics), ranked first among Economics Departments in Latin America. Both schools are located on the main FGV campus in Botafogo, a five-minute walk to the Metro station, and a 15-minute bus ride to the IES Abroad Center. Possible course options include:
  • Economics (Tentative for Spring 2016)
    • Principles of Corporate Finance for Utilities
    • Risk, Information & Financial Markets
    • Environmental & Energy Economics
    • Financial Economics
    • Game Theory
  • Law
    • Comparative Constitutional Law
    • Private International Law
    • Current Issues on Internet Law
    • Introduction to Regulation
    • Cyber Democracy: Theory & Practice
    • Corruption
  • New Film Course & Documentary
    Film in the City (spring only), taught by our Rio Center Director Dr. Octavio di Leo, is a new course in the Brazil Today Program where students produce a documentary film throughout the semester. Students are a part of the entire process, from research and preliminary interviews during pre-production to editing and creating a distribution plan for post-production. This year’s film, A Travessia (The Journey), is a documentary about four Cariocas (native Rio de Janeiro inhabitants) who overcome adversity to embark on an extraordinary journey. We dare you not to be inspired!
  • Don't Forget: Our New Emerging Economies Multi-Location Program in Rio & Santiago
    In case students want to shake it up a little bit and study in both Rio AND Santiago, Chile, they can! Our Emerging Economies Program is perfect for students interested in Economics, Sociology, Political Science, and Business. One of the greatest attractions to this program is a week-long excursion to Peru, including Machu Picchu. And, students now have until November 2nd to apply, too.

Check out more photos from Sarah's visit, and take a virtual tour of Rio!

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Ashley Houston

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