Meet Sarah Burrichter: IES Abroad Ambassador Program Coordinator & Program Advisor

IES Abroad

After studying abroad in Brussels and India, Ambassador Program Coordinator and world traveler Sarah Burrichter was teaching English in France when her sister-in-law mentioned a job opening at IES Abroad. Almost three years later, she shares her story with about her roles as Ambassador Program Coordinator and Program Advisor for Rio de Janeiro, getting her Masters of Education at Loyola University, and her experiences abroad.

In the article, Sarah explains, “As the Ambassador Program Coordinator, I communicate with 800+ IES Abroad Ambassadors through email regarding events on their campuses and Ambassador Program projects. I enjoy coming up with innovative international education outreach projects for Ambassadors, and working with students from over 200 schools in the United States.”

And as for her job as the Program Advisor for Rio, she continues, “I talk to them about everything from Brazilian culture, to the extensive Brazilian visa process….I really enjoy helping them prepare for what’s likely to be the best semester of their college experience.”

Click here to read more about a typical day for Sarah, her thoughts on the importance of language learning, and more. has also spoken to Regional College Relations Manager John Colhouer and Program Associate Abe De La Rosa.

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