Meet Our April Ambassadors of the Month: Rachel Thompson and Nicolas Cicogna

IES Abroad
April 21, 2015

As part of our Ambassador Program, we award the IES Abroad Ambassador of the Month title to two Ambassadors who show exceptional dedication to international education outreach by taking part in a variety of outreach activities on campus and online.

Our April 2015 Ambassadors of the Month are Rachel Thompson, University of Texas at Austin (Dublin Internship, Summer 2013, and Barcelona Liberal Arts and Business, Spring 2014) and Nicolas Cicogna, Lynn University (European Union, Spring 2014).

Rachel Thompson, a student at the University of Texas at Austin, demonstrates her passion for study abroad while working as a peer advisor in her study abroad office. An alumna of two IES Abroad programs, Rachel encourages her fellow students to study abroad through speaking at information sessions, predeparture orientations, and study abroad fairs. Additionally, Rachel supports international education through social media and other web platforms.

Rachel says, “Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I wanted to help other students make it happen. Being able to interact with other students and share my experience has been a wonderful opportunity for me. It’s a bit like reliving my study abroad adventure.”

Nicolas Cicogna works to promote study abroad on Lynn University’s campus in his everyday conversations with other students, and through study abroad-related events on campus. He has organized study abroad information sessions in multiple classrooms, and collaborates with his study abroad office and IES Abroad staff to help at events. He also emails students who are planning to study on the IES Abroad European Union Program, and promotes study abroad through social media.

“As an Ambassador, I wanted not only to promote the great institution that IES Abroad is, but the idea of studying abroad,” Nicolas explains. “Take that leap and go to a new country and immerse in a brand new culture. If it was up to me, I would study abroad again every chance that I got.”

Congratulations, Rachel and Nicolas!

Interested in learning more about our Ambassador Program or have a question for a past IES Abroad student? Visit our IES Abroad Ambassadors page to learn more.

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