We are excited to announce Dr. Vehbi Baysan as the Center Director for our new Istanbul programs, opening in Fall '13. Dr. Baysan is an Assistant Professor of History and Middle Eastern Studies at Yeditepe University, where he has served as Director of the International Office.
Dr. Baysan received his B.A. from Istanbul University, his M.A. from Yarmouk University in Jordan, and his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester in Middle Eastern Studies. He has taught both History and Turkish language at the University of Manchester; Turkish, Arabic, and History at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London; and Turkish at the London School of Economics.
Dr. Baysan is also a frequent guest on international radio and TV, and has appeared on Al Jazeera, France 24 Arabic, Russian TV Arabic, Al Hurra, and Al Iraqiyya to discuss Turkey and the Middle East. He also serves as an advisor to the Turkish government about the Middle East.
He is an avid photographer who has served as the official photographer at international archaeological excavations, and enjoys tennis, swimming, trekking, and cycling.
We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Baysan as our new Istanbul Center Director. Please join us in welcoming him!