IES Abroad Staff Member Goes Green on CNN

IES Abroad staff member and a co-founder of the IES Abroad Go Green Committee, Jeanne Haegele, will be featured on the CNN special Toxic America airing Thursday, June 3rd at 8 p.m. Eastern.

Jeanne has been working for the past 2.5 years to become as plastic-free as possible. She blogs about her experiences at Her story will be included in the CNN special to demonstrate that people can make simple, everyday changes to reduce their reliance on plastics and the potentially hazardous chemicals they may contain.

The special will be hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta and will in large part focus on the health and environmental effects of chemicals used in plastics. Jeanne's efforts have also been highlighted in Time Magazine, discussed on NPR, and featured in the Dallas Morning News, as well as in other publications.

Congratulations, Jeanne!


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