IES Abroad Hosts First Global Speaker Series for Alumni

IES Abroad

This year, IES Abroad launched a traveling Global Speaker Series, which brings together alumni, students, and guests for networking and conversation on global topics.

First Stop: Careers after Study Abroad in Washington, D.C.

We kicked off the series in March in Washington, D.C., where guests enjoyed a networking reception before and after the panel conversation. Alumni of all ages and representing a number of Centers enthusiastically shared memories from abroad, tips on how to maintain language skills, and their plans to go back abroad on an Alumni Weekend.

Rob Hallworth, IES Abroad Vice President for Academic Administration, kicked off the conversation with alumna Miriam Nisbet (Former Founding Director, National Archives | IES Abroad Vienna, Spring 1969) and Jamila White (Senior Africa Representative, Mercy Corps | IES Abroad Dijon, Fall 2005) about how their study abroad experiences influenced their careers in international fields.

“One piece of advice is if you are given the opportunity to work, to live abroad—starting with studying but also later—the only answer is yes," Miriam said. "It may take a while until you get to that place. In my career, I was probably 50 years old before my job started taking me all over the world.”

“We live in a global society and in a global world," Jamila said. "We’re all interconnected, and no matter what job you get, it can take you abroad whether it’s in [international] development or not. So, I think having that international experience will prepare you. From an employer’s side, you stand out on your résumé… [Study abroad] is a delineator. It puts you at the top of applications compared to some other candidates who might be applying.” 

Take Two: Building Your Personal Brand in New York City

In mid-July, alumni, IES Abroad Board Members, current IES interns, prospective students, and guests enjoyed a panel conversation and rooftop networking reception at the beautiful Scholastic building, an exclusive venue made available by the generosity of alum and VP of Judy Newman (IES Abroad London, Fall 1977), who also moderated the evening’s panel conversation. 

Alumni representing a range of industries talked about how their study abroad experiences allowed them to build their personal brands.

The power of the dynamic network of IES Abroad alumni—more than 140,000 global professionals—is endless. Two students walked away from the New York City event with job offers and countless more made meaningful personal and professional connections.

Stay connected by marking your calendars with our upcoming events like the next Global Speaker Series event coming to Chicago in early 2020!

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