IES Abroad at the Forum and Diversity Abroad Conferences: See You in New Orleans

IES Abroad

We will be exhibiting at both the 2015 Forum Annual Conference (Booth #46) and the Diversity Abroad Conference later this month.

Many IES Abroad staff members will be attending these events, including Executive staff, IES Internships, Customized Programs, College Relations, Diversity, and more. We invite you to stop by our booths in the exhibition halls to learn more about IES Abroad, our Diversity initiative, or to just say "hello."

The following staff are presenting at the conferences:



Pre-Conference Workshop

  • Strategic Marketing and Outreach to Diverse Student Populations
    Gretchen Cook-Anderson, Director of Diversity Recruiting & Advising (IES Abroad)

The use of some strategic targeted marketing tactics to recruit students of diverse backgrounds—racial and ethnic, lower income households, students with disabilities, or students who identify as lesbian, gay, or transgender—may pose ethical concerns or press proverbial hot buttons on your campus. Are there indeed approaches to marketing to diverse student groups that cross real or perceived ethical boundaries? What standards can education abroad offices use to navigate the ethics of marketing to diverse students? What ethics policies exist on your campus with regard to recruiting? How can study abroad offices collaborate with campus marketing departments to create approaches to diversity outreach that inspire broader participation in study abroad while maintaining solid ethical principles? This session will explore the ethics of marketing to underrepresented students, encourage collaboration and discussion among participants, and offer innovative, principled marketing solutions participants can employ to appeal to targeted segments of their student populations.

9–10:10 a.m.

  • Programming for Diversity in Overseas Programs
    Abe De La Rosa, Program Assistant (IES Abroad)

Increasing numbers of first generation students and students from underrepresented groups are studying abroad. This session focuses on programming overseas for diverse groups, and on approaches to providing these students with the best possible experience while they are abroad.

4:30–5:45 p.m.

  • Plenary Session: How long is long enough? Discussing the Implications of Program Length on Student Diversity & Access to Education Abroad
    Gretchen Cook-Anderson, Director of Diversity Recruiting & Advising (IES Abroad); Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean - Learning Abroad Center (University of Minnesota); Michael Woolf, Ph.D., Deputy President (CAPA International Education); Moderator: Andrew Gordon, President and Founder (Diversity Abroad)

Visit us at Booth #46!


Pre-Conference Workshop
1-5 p.m.

  • Mission, Ethics and Integrity (Standards 1, 9 and The Code of Ethics)
    Brian Brubaker (IES Abroad Customized Programs & Forum Trained Facilitator)

This workshop focuses on Mission, Ethics, and The Code of Ethics for Education Abroad. Participants will discuss the importance of mission and ethics in the field, and will delve deeply into The Code of Ethics by understanding its history and application through a variety of case studies. This qualifies as a Forum Certification Workshop.

10:45-12 p.m.

  • The Big Think: Alone Together
    Ann Hubbard (AIFS); Brian Brubaker (IES Abroad); Michelle Tolan (IFSA Butler); Phil Anderson (University of St. Thomas)

This year’s Big Think considers Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. Participants will discuss the book’s view of the role that technology has taken in both our personal and professional lives. Are we substituting authentic communication for technologically-mediated interaction? Does this create a new form of solitude? Alone Together examines how technology and social media impact our emotional lives, attention spans, and definitions of friendship. Presenters will apply these issues to the education abroad experience—for students (both on-campus and while abroad), ourselves and the greater support community needed for successful programming.

  • Making a “Difference”: Preparing Us to Prepare Our Students for Matters of Diversity Abroad
    Gretchen Cook-Anderson (IES Abroad); Monya Lemery (University of Texas at Austin); Janna Behrens (Amherst College)

The session introduces an adaptable training template designed to help study abroad offices deliver professional development that raises our ability to prepare diverse students and others for how “difference” may intersect with experiences abroad. Panelists will discuss a template that taps into campus and off-campus resources/expertise on student diversity matters.

12-1:30 p.m.

  • Disability-Inclusion Best Practices and Trends Nationally
    Cerise Roth-Vinson (Mobility International USA); Nicole Davis (IIE); Gretchen Cook-Anderson (IES Abroad)

9:15-10:30 a.m.

  • Assessment for Campus and Abroad: Why a Home-Grown Instrument May be the Best for Both
    Lisa Chieffo (University of Delaware); David Rudd (Arcadia University); Rachel Romesburg Rice (IES Abroad)

An expedient way to assess learning outcomes of international education is to use a commercially-available instrument, which may not measure areas of interest to your institution. This session presents an alternative approach of developing an instrument in-house, including strategies for collaborating with units across campus for broader impact and relevance.

  • Debating Education Abroad: Interventions, Learning and the Student Experience
    Mary Anne Grant (The ISEP Network); Elizabeth Brewer (Beloit College); Melissa A. Torres (IES Abroad)

Increasing participation in education abroad will require that there are both sufficient opportunities and that these ensure student access and success. In the U.S., discussions of the merits of different study abroad options often pit faculty-led and provider program study abroad against direct enrolment. The proposed debate focuses on differing approaches to ensure student success.

  • Managing the Messaging: Consolidating Communications in a Real or Perceived International Crisis
    Julie Anne Friend (Northwestern University); Stacey Tsantir (University of Minnesota); William P. Hoye (IES Abroad)

2014 was a record year for world events that impacted study abroad programs, requiring quick and efficient communications to constituents. Presenters will discuss the elements of a good crisis communication plan emphasizing the priorities of important stakeholders, such as general counsel or risk management. Participants will practice various stakeholder roles to draft messages.

  • Onsite Director Models: Who Is Leading Students Abroad & Why It Matters
    Monique Fecteau (Wellesley-in-Aix); Kathleen Sideli (Indiana University); Andrea Ricci (Indiana University); Brian Brubaker (IES Abroad)

Since 2002*, little has been written about the relative merits of Rotating versus Permanent Onsite Directors. The crucial role of Resident Directors often comes to the fore when emergencies arise. Four seasoned panelists will critically examine governance and leadership models and engage participants in discussion of the stakes involved.
*Al Balckum, Inès de Romana, Richard Stryker, Peter Wollitzer. “Alternative Models for Resident Directors Abroad: Rotating Faculty or Permanent Resident Directors?” International Educator, Winter 2002.

11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

  • English and the Internationalization of the Classroom
    Michael Steinberg (IES Abroad); Meline Koruk (Koç University); Ramon Ellenbroek (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam); Lucia Conte (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Institutions of Higher Education around the world are offering increasing numbers of programs and courses in English. Many are also experimenting with the U.S. liberal arts model. In this session, representatives of three European universities will explore these phenomena and the ramifications for local and study abroad students.


Note: All session descriptions were taken from conference websites.

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