IES Abroad Building Bridges Monthly Giving Program Reaches Halfway Mark in Support of Scholarships

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IES Abroad
July 30, 2018

Are you up for a challenge?

Two generous donors, Wendy Feldman and Steve Streich, are challenging 50 supporters to join our Building Bridges monthly giving program this summer in support of the IES Abroad Scholarship Fund. In return, Wendy and Steve will donate an additional $6,000 to the Fund.

With 25 donors already committed to monthly gifts since June 15, we are halfway in meeting Wendy and Steve’s challenge! Be part of a community committed to giving students access to the transformative benefits of studying and interning abroad by joining Building Bridges.

Meet Wendy & Steve

Wendy Feldman, IES Abroad parent, saw the life changing impact that studying abroad had on her daughter who studied abroad in Granada, Spain for the Fall 2016 semester. Wendy believes: "one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the gift of education, which comes in all shapes and sizes. When education runs in conjunction with global travel – not only is this a true gift for our children, this is when the magic happens! I cannot say enough things about the amazing program! Thank you IES Abroad."

Steve Streich, an IES Abroad Vienna alum, shared that his study abroad experience introduced him to a lifelong relationship and transformed his perspective on the world. Steve told us, "I’ve made giving to IES Abroad a priority through a recurring monthly donation in loving memory of my late partner. I'm not rich, and there is no dearth of worthy causes, but if I can help one student experience what we did, it will have been well worth it."

Build Bridges Across the World

Wendy and Steve’s challenge continues to motivate a movement of donors to build bridges of opportunity for underrepresented students. Together, we can build bridges around the world, to provide students the opportunity to foster intercultural competence, create lasting friendships, and develop professional skills to launch their careers.

Members will receive a surprise welcome present and updates from scholarship students as they travel the globe. Why wait? Put us over the halfway mark and be one of 50. Start your monthly gift today!

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