IES Abroad 2014: Year in Review

IES Abroad

Happy 2015! It was an exciting year here at IES Abroad and we’re looking forward to what this year will bring.

Check out our highlights below!


  • 100,000 Students: On April 29, we sent our 100,000th student abroad—Britini Williams from Macalester College! We celebrated the occasion by hosting a party for Britini and her fellow students at the IES Abroad Granada Center.
  • 50 Years in Spain: In 1964, we opened our first Spanish Center in Madrid.


  • Faculty Development Seminars: Each year, IES Abroad offers on-location Faculty Development Seminars designed to bring together faculty from around the world, as well as local experts for an intellectual discussion and exchange of ideas. This year’s seminar, titled Sexuality and Gender in a Multicultural World, took place at our Amsterdam Center in July. Eight attendees came from a range of colleges and universities across the country.
  • Familiarization Trips: Our 2014 Familiarization Trips to IES Abroad Kunming in March and Istanbul in May gave Members, Associate Members, administrators, coordinators, faculty members the opportunity to take an in-depth look at what we offer.
  • Advisor Workshop Abroad: This year’s workshop allowed nine advisors the chance to visit our Milan Center, learn more about advising for discipline specific prgrams, and get to know IES Abroad more personally.


  • $2.5 Million: We awarded $2.5 million in aid and scholoarships—the most yet!
  • Gilman Scholars: We awarded a total of 57 prestigious Gilman grants in 2014. Congratulations to the 22 IES Abroad students who received Gilman Scholarships for Spring 2015!



1. Innovation in Access and Equity: IES Abroad IDEA Bloggers
2.  Innovation in Marketing/Social Media: We [Heart] Study Abroad Campaign
3. Innovative Student Video: Departing for Beijing by Alexa Penton


  • We had more than 1.5 million visits to our website in 2014, from more than 800,000 unique visitors, of which 97% were new visitors. The site continues to evolve to meet changing user needs, providing an invaluable resource for prospects, students, and SACs.
  • Take a Virtual Tour of Rio: A taste of Rio before you go? Yes, please!  Take our Virtual Tour today. Click here to view all of the tours.
  • This is Study Abroad Video Series: We launched our new video series, This Is Study Abroad, on YouTube.
  • @IESabroad on Instagram: In February, we joined Instagram, where we post daily student photos and feature weekly themes.


IES Abroad remembers Brita Koutny (born Brigitte–Baroness von Conrad), who passed away on May 9, 2014 at the age of 85. Brita was the wife of the late Paul Koutny, one of the three founders of IES Abroad.


Here are a few of the big plans we have for in store for 2015:

We hope you’re as excited as we are about 2015, and we hope to see you at various conferences, fairs, and events throughout the year. Cheers!


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