Future-Focused Friday: Things That Reminded Us That It's Not All Burnt Turkey

IES Abroad
November 20, 2020

How is it November 20th? But also, how is it only November 20th? 😕

Yes, this year has been and continues to be a cornucopia of emotions. Are we progressing or declining? Motivated or burnt out—both? Elated or deflated? Are sweet potatoes with melted marshmallows amazing or totally gross?!


Oh, that's right, Thanksgiving 🦃 is just around the corner.

The holidays won’t be quite the same this year and we give you full permission (not that you need it, but we're cheering you on) to break from tradition and have a little (or a lot of!) fun.

Let’s turn this burnt turkey of a year into something worthwhile, shall we? Make gratitude the new attitude, and be good to ourselves 🤗.

What about ditching the turkey all together 😱? Why not serve up tapas from Spain, cassoulet from France, or tagine from Morocco? We double-helpings-dare you to try one of these holiday dishes from around the world.

There are even things, 30 to be exact, that we can do on Thanksgiving that don’t revolve around eating, too. We personally love #10 🐩🎭.

And even though we’ve tried to escape it, Zoom 💻 will most likely be a guest this year (womp womp) but it doesn't have to be drab:

🍴Host a cooking class with friends (pasta making here we come!)

🍗🏃🏽‍️Turkey trot: Step 1. Video chat your friend while on a walk. Step 2. Talk about all the places you’d like to trot off to when we can travel again.

📖Learn more about the true history of Thanksgiving with friends and family (those who learn together grow together, and, well, we all need the facts...)

🔎Explore how 15 other countries around the world celebrate their own kind of Thanksgiving

Jokes aside, this Thanksgiving, we're thankful for the time this year gave us to reflect on what's important, be grateful for travel and the many cultures that make up our world, and to find a renewed sense of wanderlust and passion for study abroad. We can’t wait to help you see the world, hopefully someday soon. In the meantime, check out some of these Thanksgiving-inspired pieces from across the web and give yourself a little global escape today.

“Mostly, we remembered to say “thank you” and “danke” and “děkuji,” and we laughed about how we kept reverting to other non-English languages, nearly tripping up with “merci” and “gracias” or even the Irish “sláinte,” which doesn’t mean “thank you” at all, but “cheers.” In every language, the point was the same... Thank you for the food. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you for the indulgence, and your understanding. Thank you from all over the world.”
Elizabeth Coffman-Mackey (IES Abroad Dublin | Indiana University)

Check out the #IESabroad feed—and learn how to say "thank you" in a new language on our Instagram story.

You'll be thanking yourself when you take the first step toward the study abroad adventure of a lifetime.

Let's Get Started

P.S. Your résumé will thank you if you take on an internship next semester! Apply for our new Virtual Internship Program for Spring 2021 by December 1st!

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