Future-Focused Friday: Things That Reminded Us to Have the Time of Our Lives

IES Abroad
July 21, 2020

Time flies...

Better late than never...

Rome wasn’t built in a day...

While we agree with these timely idioms (especially the Rome one, because, study abroad), our "normal" concept of ⏰ feels a little out of touch right now. It's not just us, right?

Though it might not seem like the best time for…a lot of things TBH, this temporary limbo can actually be the perfect moment to plan ahead for what truly matters to you in the upcoming week, month, year, two years, all the way to infinity and beyond🚀!

Like, now you can finally put that mental bucket list to paper so it's ready to go when you are. Or get ahead of the language barrier when you travel by taking on one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. Better yet, if you're interested in studying abroad in Cape Town, it's probably wise to learn the many meanings of the word "now" in South Africa.

We know we're not the only ones reconsidering our tried-and-true schedules and thoughts about time. Maybe you start sneaking a few more hours into the day by having dinner at the Argentine hour (9pm) or imagining how you’d spend 24 hours in the Galápagos Islands. Or perhaps you simply learn how to ask for the time in different languages (like in our "Phrase of the Week" on Instagram). Either way, take our advice – there are plenty of ways to take advantage of the liminal space between now and your study abroad adventure.

In the meantime—whatever that means—here are some firsthand accounts of how IES Abroad students and staff spend their ⌚ abroad!

Take the time to picture your future life abroad on the #IESabroad feed.

“Take time to look around. I found myself rushing to class every morning, and I didn’t really notice some of the things along my daily commute. After class I explored Rue Daguerre and took the time to stop in some of the shops. I found a cute Parisian outfit and had a great conversation in French with the saleswoman at one of the boutiques. I also learned about Beaujolais Nouveau day by stopping in one of the wine shops to try the first wine of the year.”
Courtney M. (Paris | Santa Clara University)

Remember, better late than never—the world will wait for you.

Fast Forward to the Future

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