Future-Focused Friday: Things That Reenergized Us This Week 🙌

IES Abroad

Let’s set the scene: Summer is coming to an end, the school year is starting, but it looks very different, and most of us have spent more time in our pajamas and in one place than we ever cared to 🙋.

Now, picture this instead: You, looking way fresh 😎 (obvi), sampling some amazing tapas with your new SA (ahem, that's study abroad) crew while studying abroad in Granada.

Ummm ¡sí por favor! We ❤️ this scene so much more!

You don’t need our permission to get excited about something like picking a study abroad program for the adventure of a lifetime, but sometimes we all need a gentle (boop!) reminder that we still own our future, and it 👏 is 👏 bright👏.

This week we’ve been completely reenergized about study abroad by diving into some of the best of the best of the (last one, promise) best of our study abroad goodness.

What’s study abroad goodness, you ask? Well, it’s some of our best content that has made us laugh, cry, reflect, and, you guessed it, reenergize!

Whether it's inspiring student blog posts about being comfortable with who you are while abroad, watching some hidden gem videos that reveal the true beauty of the people and the landscapes of our world, casually browsing some of our favorite study abroad photos, or being reminded by our 2020 Correspondent of the Year that you can make the most of anything if you put your mind to it, it's everything we need right now to get our groove back 🕺.

So, though it might feel tough right now, embrace the promise of the future, get reenergized, reinspired, re-excited (OK, we made that one up) by taking a glimpse at the best of the best of our study abroad goodness:

Scroll your way to feeling reenergized on the #IESabroad feed.

“When I look back on studying in London and the amazing adventures I had in Europe, I am nothing but grateful for my time abroad. I met my forever friends, saw places I never dreamed of seeing or had dreamt of seeing for a long time, and learned so much about myself and what I am capable of.”
Lexi F. (London | Indiana University)

Energy creates endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Some might say study abroad is happiness.

Get Energized About Study Abroad

P.S: Join us for our new virtual info series, Zoom Around the World (the first one starts September 1st—it's all about Music & Theater)! Each week, at 2:00 p.m. CDT you'll get the chance to meet some of the IES Abroad "village" that is here to help you on your journey as they share a 20-minute presentation on that session's topic, plus 10 minutes of live Q&A. Check out the schedule and RSVP!

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