Future-Focused Friday: Things That Happen When You Take The Leap

IES Abroad
July 3, 2020

Happy Friday!

You've made it to a long weekend—and even though every day feels like a surreal mash-up of weekend and weekday, you still deserve the break!

This week we're spotlighting the experience of finding your independence, which is pretty much a guarantee when you study abroad. And whether you go abroad in search of becoming more self-sufficient, or it's thrust upon you by chance after getting lost in your host city, finding your inner strength is a real confidence booster.

So, in preparation for the adventure of a lifetime, head to your nearest mirror to do a "power pose", learn how to say "courage" in a few different languages, and get invigorated by the student stories below. Once you study abroad, we're tellin' you, there's nothing you can't do!

Start picturing your life abroad through the #IESabroad feed.

“Not only have I learned to navigate public transportation, communicate effectively, and organize myself better, but over the course of four months I’ve become more in-touch with my introverted side. It’s one thing to be okay with being by myself, and completely another to feel comfortable with and energized by it.”
Nina T. • Penn State University • Granada

Ready to spread your wings and fly? 

Discover Yourself Abroad

P.S. Thinking about studying abroad this Fall? We think you should! Take a peek at our Flexible Study Abroad Programs and nab a spot in IES Abroad Paris Professor Mathieu Zagrodzki's class “Contemporary Paris: Politics, Policies, and People and check out his interview on police brutality in France.

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