Former IES Abroad Center Director Appointed Secretary of National Heritage in Argentina

Ashley Houston

Former IES Abroad Buenos Aires Center Director Américo Castilla was recently appointed as Argentina’s Secretario de Patrimonio Nacional (Secretary of National Heritage).

An artist and the President and Founder of TyPA (Teoria y Practica de Las Artes), Américo has also served as the National Director of Heritage and Museums, and the Director of the National Museum of Fine Arts in Argentina. This past December, Américo was appointed to his new role as the Secretary of National Heritage.

During his time as IES Abroad Center Director, 2009 to 2012, Américo helped us restructure the academic programs offered in Buenos Aires and form new university partnerships. He also led the Buenos Aires Center in the development of a Center Strategic Plan and developed new internships and academic offerings in the Fine Arts.

Congratulations, Américo!

Learn more about IES Abroad Buenos Aires programs.


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Ashley Houston

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