Faculty Spotlight: Alvaro Artigas, IES Abroad Paris BIA

IES Abroad
July 2, 2018

For Dr. Alvaro Artigas, his interests in economics and environmentalism reach from the global to the local level. He considers it his personal life endeavor “to understand the transformations that are taking place in the world economy and how the issues of climate change and environmental conservation will have a concrete impact at the territorial level.” He also speaks nine languages!

Dr. Artigas has invited IES Abroad Paris – Business & International Affairs students to join in his endeavor for more than a decade. He currently teaches three courses at IES Abroad: Green Growth, Sustainability & the New Economy; Emerging Markets & Development Strategies in the 21st Century; and The Political Economy of European Integration.

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Artigas takes his students to engage with and compare real-world examples with course-related trips to locations such as Clichy-Batignolles, an eco-district in Paris.

Dr. Alvaro Artigas with students in FranceProfessor Alvaro Artigas leads students on course-related trip to eco-district in Paris

We asked Dr. Artigas to share more about his goals and approach to teaching his students about these important environmental issues:

IES Abroad: What can students expect if they take your IES Abroad courses?

Alvaro Artigas (AA): In my classes, students can expect to experience my total commitment to their improvement as human beings, in addition to teaching the subject matter. I insist on deep-learning techniques as well as traditional ones. My classes utilize a lot of comparison, essential in my opinion for a more balanced understanding of the world's transformational dynamics.

IES Abroad: What is the most important takeaway you hope students leave with after taking your course?

AA: I hope they will retain an understanding of the main dynamics and forces at play in the different processes that are taking place today (accumulation, preservation, conflict), but also a general understanding of the mechanics of it (who is in charge, what is the sequence of change). To succeed in my seminars, students must develop strong curiosity, which I hope they will retain beyond the course.

Meet Dr. Alvaro Artigas

alvaro artigasDr. Artigas holds a PhD in Political Economy & Comparative Politics and a M.A. in Comparative Politics from The Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po, Paris) and continues to teach in their Urban School today.

Additionally, he completed the IMARS (International MA in Russian Studies) program at the European University at St. Petersburg and studied Bulgarian and Chinese at Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO).

He has worked with key think tanks and research organizations including the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and United Cities & Local Governments (UCLG).

Dr. Artigas has published his research in several journals, books, and reports worldwide. Most recently published are his book Le Brésil et la Russie face au libre-échange: commerce, politique et intérêt (Presses de Sciences Po, Paris) and article "When Electricity Meets the Mall: Electricity Grids and Real Estate Development in Metromanila" (Energy Policy).

A true polyglot, Dr. Artigas speaks nine languages: French, English, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Italian, and Chinese. He has lived and taught all over the world in Paris, London, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Barcelona, Lima, Moscow, and New York.

Learn more about the courses Dr. Alvaro Artigas teaches in Paris, and discover other Political Science & International Relations programs offered around the world.

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