Dr. Michael Steinberg Celebrates 40 Years with IES Abroad

Dr. Michael Steinberg, Executive Vice President for Academic Programs, was honored Saturday, February 11th, at our Board of Directors meeting for his 40 years of service to IES Abroad. Since joining IES Abroad in 1976, Michael has been a leader and innovator in the field of study abroad.

At the meeting, he was presented with a book of messages from IES Abroad staff members sharing their congratulations and thanks for Michael’s 40 years of service. Read just a few of the book’s meaningful quotes below:


  • “As a result of your many talents, you are beloved by everyone you encounter, be they IES Abroad current employees, past employees, or other colleagues in the field…Thank you for the scores of contributions that you have made to IES Abroad across the past 40 years, Michael. And may you contribute many, many more years to IES Abroad.”
    - Mary M. Dwyer, Ph.D., President & CEO
  • “Forty years with IES Abroad, compared to my meagre 25, are IMPRESSIVE…Thank you, Michael for everything – for your understanding, your warm-hearted empathy, your wonderful humor, and the many talks we shared. I am deeply thankful that I was privileged to have known you 'for a quarter of a century.'”
    - Barbara Gügold, Ph.D., Center Director, IES Abroad Berlin 

  • “From our adventures in Shanghai to your good humor in helping to manage those rowdy Texans, your guidance and leadership will stay with me throughout my career. It has been an honor and a privilege to call you my colleague.”
    - Katherine Jacobs, College Relations Manager, Customized Programs
  • “I have been amazed that he can have a meaningful conversation with anyone, about any subject, and it seems he knows more about technology than most millennials. But his sense of humor is still my favorite part.”
    - Hope McClelland-Young, Director of College Relations & Advising
  • "You’re the rock of the organization, and I consider it one of my greatest professional privileges to be associated with you.”
    - John Ockey, Center Director, IES Abroad London

  • “During these 10 years of the Siena Center’s activity, you gave a fundamental input to our academic curriculum, helping us to design an excellent course offering and significantly contributing to our academic quality…Thank you for your tireless energy, and the great example you offer everyone at IES Abroad.”
    - Veronica Semeraro, Center Director, IES Abroad Siena
  • “Ever since I started at IES Abroad, whenever a question came up that no one knew the answer to, the conversation always ended by someone saying, “just ask Michael.” Your depth and breadth of experience is second to none. I feel very lucky to be a part of the Academics department and Shanghai team under your leadership.”
    - Mary Bechtol, Program Associate
  • “Quite a few years ago, I was the lucky winner of a photograph signed by you. (The value must have gone up quite a bit by then!) What would Michael do? This is what this photograph refers to. This is not an unreasonable question at all when contemplating a study abroad related issue or opportunity. Being in this environment for 40 years will bring an edge, experience, and an awful lot of wisdom!”
    - Chantal Omloo, Center Director, IES Abroad Amsterdam


Thank you, Michael!

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