Can I Study Abroad Right Now?

IES Abroad
January 28, 2022

“Can I study abroad right now?” We know—it’s the question on everyone’s mind. The answer is, ultimately, "yes, you can study abroad this year" with the possibility of making your study abroad dreams come true slowly becoming a reality again. 🙌 But there is a little more background information that you’ll need first. Let’s talk about all of the things you should think about as you cautiously, but optimistically, get ready to study abroad in the year ahead.

✔️ Check out our open study abroad programs for Summer 2022

We are currently planning on running a number of our programs for Summer 2022, and we think you can find something that you will love. Your health and safety remain our number one priority, so we are continually assessing the viability of running these programs. You can check back on our Summer 2022 page at any time to see if we have made any updates. Plus, once you complete your online application, you’ll be connected with your dedicated advisor who will keep you in the loop with any and all updates as we go.

✔️ Check in with your school

Your college or university is also going to make important decisions about your ability to study abroad in the near future. Your study abroad office will have the most up-to-date information available for you, so get in contact with them now and stay in touch as you continue your preparations. Again, safety is the name of the game here, so your school will be closely monitoring the same important factors that we are.

✔️ Check in with yourself

Everything has changed in the past couple of years. Flexibility has become not just a useful skill, but a necessary asset to planning for the future. Managing disappointment around a program that isn’t running is really important to acknowledge, and we’ve provided alternate ideas for you to find something similar. We want to work to make study abroad a reality for you—just like we did with students like our Spring 2022 Correspondents, who are currently living their study abroad dreams. If you're asking yourself "How do I know if I should study abroad?", Spring 2022 IES Abroad Buenos Aires student and Correspondent Grace Worwa is here to help you answer that!

✔️ Check out our virtual options, too

With the IES Virtual Internship Program (VIP), you’ll get the same professional experience you’d get abroad, while also gaining the remote working skills that are oh-so-important right now—with that international component to boot.

We know it’s not always easy to juggle classes, a part-time job, a social life, and an in-person internship with set hours. Which is why we are excited to help you work virtually anywhere in the world, well, virtually. Learn more about our remote internships and how it works to get started.

Review our 2022 study abroad programs and learn more about our Summer 2022 Refund Policy.

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