Auf Wiedersehen Achim, Hallo Alexander

After 34 years, Joachim "Achim" Staguhn is retiring as the Center Director of the IES Abroad Freiburg Center. Achim joined IES Abroad in 1979 as a student counselor and has served as Center Director since 1992.

We are grateful for Achim's many contributions to IES Abroad, including:

  • Supervising the IES Abroad EU and Freiburg German Programs, both of which experienced considerable growth under his leadership
  • Establishing our Environmental Studies & Sustainability Program in association with the University of Freiburg's School of Forestry
  • Finalizing agreements with two of our current partner institutions: the Hochschule für Musik and the Pädagogische Hochshule
  • Organizing an internship program that places students in Freiburg's active NGO community
  • Arranging for all IES Abroad students in Freiburg to have the opportunity to live with German students in University residence halls, with the assistance of a grant from the Max Kade Foundation
  • Traveling to IES Abroad Centers in Delhi, London, Rabat, and Siena to assist in Center management and training
  • Serving as interim director for a number of IES Abroad Centers over the years

While Achim's retirement truly marks the end of an era for the Freiburg Center and IES Abroad around the world, we're very excited to welcome our new IES Abroad Freiburg Center Director, Alexander Breisacher. Alexander joined IES Abroad Freiburg in 2003 and was promoted to Assistant Director in 2007. We know the excellence of IES Abroad Freiburg will continue to thrive under Alexander's leadership.

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